There are so many SEARCHERS in this world… people searching for truth, searching for identity, searching for belonging, searching for answers, searching for happiness, searching for a way out of painful circumstances, or searching for a path forward in this life that is riddled with obstacles and hardships.
God spoke of this desire to search, and he showed us where to find everything that we’re looking for… in Isaiah 9:19-22 (Message version below with emphasis added).
When people tell you, “Try out the fortunetellers. Consult the spiritualists. Why not tap into the spirit-world, get in touch with the dead?” Tell them, “NO, WE’RE GOING TO STUDY THE SCRIPTURES.” People who try the other ways get nowhere — a dead end! Frustrated and famished, they try one thing after another. When nothing works out they get ANGRY, cursing first this god and then that one, looking this way and that, up down, and sideways — and seeing nothing, a BLANK WALL, AN EMPTY HOLE, they end up in the dark WITH NOTHING. – Isaiah 9:19-22
As I have begun just recently realizing how many people are perpetually searching in all the wrong places, how many people are interested in spirituality but dismissive of Christianity because religion has been part of their pain, and feeling Jesus’s love for all that are lost as I see people’s identity as they were created to be rather than how they are currently, it saddens me deeply. As an empathetic person, it’s in my nature to give space for other people’s stories, and part of their sadness and pain is held within me.
But as I’m learning how to study the Scriptures, as I’m learning how to let Jesus heal me, and as I’m learning to love others as Jesus loves me, I am better able to tenderly hold space for others and then to turn over their struggles, pain and anger to the only one who can help guide them. The closer that I get to understanding the compassion that Jesus has for the searchers, the lost, and the abused, the better I am getting at meeting people where they are at and then laying it all down at the cross.
TO THE SEARCHERS (written with love, from one searcher to another): There is peace and truth that rises into your spirit when you have a relationship with Jesus, and when you find that intense love and contentment with who you were made to be, you will have no more desire to run, to search, or to fight, because it is with Jesus that you will finally realize that you’re exactly where you were supposed to be. Christianity isn’t the religion you likely learned about, it’s not a denomination, it’s not a building, and God cannot be contained as the entity that we all thought we knew, because true Christianity is FREEDOM, LOVE, and GRACE that arises from Holy Spirit within us, teaching us how to walk in step with the Creator, the Healer, and the All-Knowing God.
We each get only one life to live, and because I have discovered the answers to all of my questions, I will search no more. I am finally at PEACE, and I want that for everyone… especially the searchers!
#spirituality #journey #wanderingsoul