In the world of mental health and spiritual healing, there is a broad spectrum of qualifications and intentions of people offering help. Some professionals lean primarily on scientific evidence and methods, some lean on witchcraft and ancient powers, some lean on emotional processing of our story, and some lean on medications or reestablishing habits and coping mechanisms.
I have also been learning more and more about how Jesus healed people from every affliction by claiming the authority that was given to him by his Father and rebuking the evil spirits that were wreaking havoc. From fevers to diseases to blindness to death, Jesus SPOKE COMPLETE HEALING over people and they were healed.
Jesus had a mighty deliverance ministry, so why is it not common to start with deliverance and then move on to seeking other professional mental health guidance? After all, a demon can not be counseled, so it make sense to boot them out of the room before working through our human condition needing repair, right?
PRAYER and DELIVERANCE should be the first step in any mental health treatment plan, in my opinion, from what I know today. I’d like to have a respectful conversation about this, without hate, judgement, or offense. Please filter any comments through the eyes of Jesus’s love for us and understanding his desire to set people free, and then let’s have an honest conversation.