Fears Lock Away Potential & Purpose

Image by Dibyendu Joardar from Pixabay

What if there is something special about you that was placed inside of you before you were even born that could change the world? It could be just about anything, and it could be a combination of personality traits and skills you have that makes you entirely unique.

Do you doubt that you could impact others in the world in powerful, life-changing ways? Most people do, including me, but God has been showing me something amazing through my recurring dreams lately. What I have been seeing is that fear has been hiding a very special part of me… from myself. Fear of being rejected, fear of failure, fear of letting others down, fear of losing everything and everyone I love, and fear of being the center of attention all keep me from living up to my full potential.

Step by step I have seen improvement in this area of casting out fear in Jesus’s name, but only enough to see that I am still not embracing the deep, inner part of myself that could probably change thousands of lives across the globe. I don’t know what this amazing part of myself could do that would make such a difference if she were let free, but now I have seen that she has been there for my life, deep within me.

My fears kept me from even knowing that she was there, my shame kept her in hiding, pride made me miss the signs of her existence that she was leaving in my dream tunnels, and my traumas kept everything swirling in a confusing maze so I couldn’t find my way to her even if I knew she was there.

Now that I got a glimpse of this woman deep inside of me, I realize that she doesn’t pose a threat to my life at all. She has stayed hidden because she was afraid of being hurt again, rejected, abused, bullied, and silenced. She wanted to tell me something in my dream, but I was afraid of what she might do to me, afraid to listen and afraid to let her out, so I locked her away again and went out into the busy world without her.

I am safer now, and less encumbered by valuing things and instead valuing Jesus and peace. The woman in hiding within me trusts that my healthier boundaries are solid enough to know how to keep her safe too, so she finally ventured into the light.

But this morning, there is something that I can’t shake from my memory of that dream… the look of sadness on her face when she realized that I had once again locked her away. This time I had accidentally left the light on for her, though, and I knew that others could see her too. I want to turn back and reenter my dream so I can get to know her heart and see the treasure that she holds that has been hidden for 50 years.

I believe that we all have something within us that is so powerful, so good, and so loving that it could change everything. Fear, lies, and pain of the Enemy has kept us from letting her or him out, because Satan knows that if we all let ourselves be the people that God created us to be and then no longer listened to his lies… that the world would be entirely different, and then God’s plan would be made complete.

We would have heaven on earth and there would be nothing for Satan to do anymore. He would be defeated and cast down to hell for the last time, and all who remained would be UNTOUCHABLE.

‭For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me [together] in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was being formed in secret, And intricately and skillfully formed [as if embroidered with many colors] in the depths of the earth. Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were appointed for me, When as yet there was not one of them [even taking shape]. – Psalms 139:13-16 AMP‬

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