God is beyond boundaries

Image by Terri Sharp from Pixabay

“Dream big,” they said.
“I want to be an astronaut,” my younger self said.
“Dream big, but maybe not THAT big,” they said.
“I want to reach the ends of the atmosphere,” I said.
“It costs a lot of money to travel that far,” they said.
“I don’t have that much money,” I agreed.


“Keep your issues to yourself,” they say.
“I want to write and speak so that everyone in the world will know the truth,” my adult self says.
“Maybe you should talk to just one person and stay off social media,” they suggest.
“I want to reach the ends of the atmosphere,” I declare.
“You’re just one person, how can you possibly do that?”, they say.
“My God can make anything happen that he wants to,” I boldly say.


(By the way, God doesn’t need money, he doesn’t need our talents, and he doesn’t need a perfect life…. he created all those things, gives us those things, and can take them away just as quickly. What he needs from us is to believe with all our heart that he loves us, created us, and has an eternal inheritance for those who follow him with their whole heart.)

Walk in the confidence of Christ and soar above the natural, my dear brothers and sisters! Let us TOGETHER show the world the joy and peace of being a true CHRISTIAN who walks in the freedom of the Lord.

#identityfromjesus #DreamBig #FaithInAction #purposeinlife

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