God designed us to need him, but to think we don’t

A breakthrough moment begins when you can’t go on any longer as you had, and then you finally cry out to God… “If you won’t take me now, then show me how to live!”

But then, every person must rise above it with the Bible and a new best friend, Jesus, by their side. Fighting feels different when you suddenly realize that it’s not about striving, or earning, defending or attacking. Fighting for your life in Christ is gracefully and willingly letting yourself go last, accepting God’s unconditional love for us and letting it freely flow to others, living with a fullness of gratitude for all things, and turning your face to follow the path to victory, led by the Commander that has already won the biggest battle there will ever be.

Know which Commander you fight for… good or Evil, heaven or hell, God or Satan. If you are hesitant to choose, God mercifully gives you every second of your life to breathe the words, “I believe that Jesus died and rose again for me. I repent of my sins and invite him to live in my heart.”

Satan will happily take any leftovers and make them suffer as he does.

In our hearts, on the tip of our tongue, and in our minds, the Bible is the road map to relationship with the one who designed us to need him, but to think that we don’t.

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