God made my heart this way.
Trusting. Hoping, Loving.
Seeing the good in others even when they can’t see it in themselves.
What is deep within always rises to the top.
Whether lies, hate, and evil,
Or love, hope, and faith.
God made the hearts of mankind this way.
Only able to hide who they are for a little while,
But our heart always reveals its contents.
Our hearts are not vessels that contain,
As much as they are a living sponge,
Soaking in and releasing with every beat.
WHY did God make our hearts like this?
VULNERABLE to everything that soaks into them.
REVEALING their contents to others with every beat.
Because he made us to have free will, free choice.
He knew that our hearts are vulnerable because they have a greater purpose,
And only God, through Holy Spirit, can mend our hearts and transform them… love through them.
The cages we build around them aren’t failproof, they leak.
Hate or love, evil or good,
Nothing stays hidden… by design.
Why? Because our hearts were created to house God himself. And the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit will NEVER stay hidden.
God’s temple is our heart,
And over time, we build a cage around it, thinking that it will protect us.
But he knew that we would do that too.
Humans hurt other humans, because our hearts transfer their contents like sponges.
Open wounds, scars and all,
It all comes out, leaking through our human-built cages.
God created us humans to be one.
One body, unified.
No one person complete, everyone with a void.
Hearts connected.
Sharing shame, anger, and grief.
Sharing joy, celebration, and care.
My heart was created in God’s design.
Cages are NOTHING to God, and he rips it off like it’s tissue.
Jesus’s blood washes away every impurity, and soothes every wound.
I feel vulnerable, but then I see Jesus, no longer on the cross.
He’s right where he was supposed to be all along.
He is in my heart.
My heart… God’s temple.
Flowing with trust, hope, and love.
Seeing the good in others even when they can’t see it in themselves.