Make the Noise STOP! There is Something You Must Hear

Image by Petra from Pixabay

“Do you hear my voice? You live in a noisy world. Imagine how I feel trying to be heard when you insist on being surrounded by constant noise?,” the Lord challenged me.

When God created the world, he took joy in all that was in his design. He took delight in the animals, the humans, the plants, and the trees, and it was good. When we go out for a nature walk, kayak in quiet, hike in the woods, or any number of ways that we get out into nature, while leaving behind cell phones, music, and even a friend, it is only in those moments that we are able to experience the universe as God created it to be.

In the quiet, we can hear the wind rustling through the leaves, and if we listen closely, we can hear a faint breath of “…Yahweh…” in the air around us. YHWH. As you open your heart and ears to him and delight in the beauty of nature around you, it is only then that we are giving him enough space that he can speak to us.

If it has been awhile since God spoke to you, and if you have approached him with an open heart, open mind, and reverence in his Lordship, then you might not be hearing what he is trying to say to you because you are surrounded by too much noise.

Get away from the noise and meet him in the quiet place.

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” — Psalms 46:10 NIV

(Originally Published on on February 5, 2023 by Steph)

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